Tam works on removing the 2nd ugly, useless, can't wait to get rid of it breeze block thing.....

Tam unloading the gravel & sand mix for the concrete to level the floor in the living room after removing the breeze block blocks.

Tam mixing the concrete....

Nearly all done - fire place and blocks removed, beams and walls painted white by Jenny, Tam in process of concreting remaining corners. Now its just a matter of plastering the walls and a new floor....

Tam tries out her shiny new 16" chainsaw on a very little dead tree....

And now for something a bit bigger - this somewhat larger dead tree was felled and cross-cut expertly by Tam and provided lots of lovely firewood on her recent 40th birthday party held on Winter Solstice

Jenny, very brave, pushing through her fears, up on the roof sweeping up the leaves which would otherwise block the gutters...

Lovely, lovely bromeliad flowers

Jenny pruning the last of the very over-grown kumquat branches. We made 8 kilos of divine marmalade - and it set much to our surprise! A kumquat orchard is now planned in the paddock....
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