After much umming and aahing about whether we should risk taking our slightly hyper spaniel to a tick infested area (our paddock) we decided that she is so much a part of our family that she simply has to come, and we will deal with deadly insects when and as they arise (ulp!). Now we just have to face another mountain of paperwork (the first having been my visa) and devise a strict timeline for her that everything hinges on.
Firstly we had to re-microchip her (a hideous experience involving far more doggy blood than I was expecting) because her chip from '99 would not be compatible with the Aussie Chip reader. We have now applied for an import permit from AQIS and are waiting (10 days or so) for that to be granted before applying for a place in Sydney Quarantine and arranging her "travel agent". We also want to get her the travel container well in advance of the flight so that she's familiar with it as a comfortable place to hang out in (24 hours in the hold with no-inflight entertainment, free drinks, food or pretty stewardesses to look at...)
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